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Dynamic security enabled printerCertain HP printers are intended to work only with cartridges that have a new or reused HP chip or electronic circuitry. These printers use dynamic security measures to block cartridges using a non-HP chip or electronic circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures and block cartridges that previously worked. Reused HP chips and electronic circuitry enable the use of reused, remanufactured, and refilled cartridges.

Deze printer is ontworpen om alleen te werken met cartridges die een nieuwe of hergebruikte HP-chip hebben. De printer gebruikt dynamische beveiligingsmaatregelen om cartridges te blokkeren die een chip hebben die niet van HP is. Periodieke firmware-updates behouden de effectiviteit van deze maatregelen en blokkeren cartridges die eerder wel werkten. Met een hergebruikte HP-chip kunt u hergebruikte, gerecyclede en opnieuw gevulde cartridges gebruiken. Meer informatie vindt u op: http://www.hp.com/learn/ds

Document Scanners

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ADS-4100 scanner duplex w. usb 60p adf 35ppm
ADS-4100 scanner duplex w. usb 60p adf 35ppm ...
266,99€ excl VAT
ADS-4500W scanner duplex 35ppm w. lan wlan 60p adf touchscreen
ADS-4500W scanner duplex 35ppm w. lan wlan 60p adf touchscreen ...
329,90€ excl VAT
Brother ADS-4300N - document scanner - desktop - USB 3.0, Gigabit LAN, USB 2.0 (Host)
Main Specifications Product Description Brother ADS-4300N - document scanner - desktop - USB 3.0, Gigabit LAN, USB 2.0 (Host) Device Type Document scanner - desktop Interface Ty ...
262,63€ excl VAT
Brother ADS-4700W Desktop Document Scanner
Main Specifications Description du produit Brother ADS-4700W - scanner de documents - modèle bureau - USB 3.0,Gigabit LAN,Wi-Fi(n),USB 2.0 (Host) Type de périphérique Scanner de documents - modèl ...
373,41€ excl VAT
Brother ADS-4900W - document scanner - desktop - USB 3.0, LAN, Wi-Fi(n), USB 2.0 (Host)
Main Specifications Product Description Brother ADS-4900W - document scanner - desktop - USB 3.0, LAN, Wi-Fi(n), USB 2.0 (Host) Device Type Document scanner - desktop Interface ...
616,68€ excl VAT
Brother CS-A3001 Scanner Carrier Sheet for Brother ADS-2400N, 2800W, 3000N, 3600w
Designed for      Brother ADS1100W, ADS-1100W, ADS-1600W, ADS-2000, ADS-2100, ADS-2100e, ADS-2400N, ADS-2500w, ADS-2600W, ADS-2600We, ADS-2800W, ADS-3000N, ADS-3600W Brother ImageCenter ADS-1100W, ADS-1600W, ADS-2000, ADS-2000e, ADS- ...
37,09€ excl VAT
Brother DSmobile DS-640 - Sheetfed scanner - 215.9 x 1828.8 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - USB 3.0
Brother DSmobile DS-640 - Sheetfed scanner - 215.9 x 1828.8 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - USB 3.0 ...
83,28€ excl VAT
Brother DSmobile DS-740D - Sheetfed scanner - Duplex - 215.9 x 1828.8 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - USB 3.0
Brother DSmobile DS-740D - Sheetfed scanner - Duplex - 215.9 x 1828.8 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - USB 3.0 ...
113,18€ excl VAT
Brother DSmobile DS-940DW - Sheetfed scanner - Duplex - 215.9 x 1828.8 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - USB 3.0, Wi-Fi(n)
Main Specifications Product Description Brother DSmobile DS-940DW - sheetfed scanner - portable - USB 3.0, Wi-Fi(n) Device Type Sheetfed scanner - portable Interface Type ...
150,56€ excl VAT
Canon Flatbed Scanner Unit 102 - Flatbed scanner - CMOS / CIS
Main Specifications Product Description Canon Flatbed Scanner Unit 102 - flatbed scanner - desktop - USB 2.0 Device Type Flatbed scanner - desktop Interface Type USB 2 ...
335,08€ excl VAT
CANON ImageFormula Document Scanner R30 ADF 60sheet 50ipm
Description du produit: CANON imageFORMULA DR-S350NW Document Scanner 100ipm Code EAN: 4528472112138 Garantie constructeur: 24 mois de garantie retour atelier ...
253,25€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-C225 II - Document scanner - CMOS / CIS - Duplex - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 25 ppm (mono) / up to 25 ppm (colour) - ADF (30 sheets) - up to 1500 scans per day - USB 2.0
Main Specifications Description du produit Canon imageFORMULA DR-C225 II - scanner de documents - modèle bureau - USB 2.0 Type de périphérique Scanner de documents - modèle bureau ...
261,40€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-C230 - Document scanner - Duplex - Legal - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 30 ppm (mono) / up to 30 ppm (colour) - ADF (60 sheets) - up to 3500 scans per day - USB 2.0
Canon imageFORMULA DR-C230 Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical - 24-bit Color - 8-bit Grayscale - 30 ppm (Mono) - 30 ppm (Color) - Duplex Scanning - USB Canon imageFORMULA DR-C230 A ...
369,70€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-C240 - Document scanner - Duplex - Legal - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 45 ppm (mono) / up to 30 ppm (colour) - ADF ( 60 sheets ) - up to 4000 scans per day - USB 2.0
Main Specifications Product Description Canon imageFORMULA DR-C240 - document scanner - desktop - USB 2.0 Device Type Document scanner - desktop Interface Type USB 2.0 ...
541,91€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-M1060II - Document scanner - Contact Image Sensor (CIS) - Duplex - 300 x 3000 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (colour) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 7500 scans per day - USB 2.0
Main Specifications Description du produit Canon imageFORMULA DR-M1060II - scanner de documents - modèle bureau - USB 2.0 Type de périphérique Scanner de documents - modèle bureau ...
1 538,70€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-M140II - document scanner - desktop - USB 2.0
Main Specifications Product Description Canon imageFORMULA DR-M140II - document scanner - desktop - USB 2.0 Device Type Document scanner - desktop Interface Type USB 2 ...
577,98€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-M160II - Document scanner - Duplex - 216 x 3000 mm - 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (colour) - ADF ( 60 sheets ) - up to 7000 scans per day - USB 2.0
Main Specifications Product Description Canon imageFORMULA DR-M160II - document scanner - desktop - USB 2.0 Device Type Document scanner - desktop Interface Type USB 2 ...
611,02€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-M260 - Document scanner - Duplex - 216 x 5588 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (colour) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 7500 scans per day - USB 3.1 Gen 1
699,61€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-S130 - Document scanner - CMOS / CIS - Duplex - 216 x 3000 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 30 ppm (mono) / up to 30 ppm (colour) - ADF (60 sheets) - up to 3500 scans per day - USB 2.0, Wi-Fi(n), USB 3.2 Gen 1x1
Main Specifications Description du produit Canon imageFORMULA DR-S130 - scanner de documents - modèle bureau - USB 2.0, Wi-Fi(n), USB 3.2 Gen 1x1 Type de périphérique Scanner de documents - modèl ...
413,57€ excl VAT
Canon imageFORMULA DR-S150 - Document scanner - CMOS / CIS - Duplex - 216 x 3000 mm - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 45 ppm (mono) / up to 45 ppm (colour) - ADF (60 sheets) - up to 4000 scans per day - USB 2.0, Gigabit LAN, Wi-Fi(n), USB 3.2 Gen 1x1
Main Specifications Product Description Canon imageFORMULA DR-S150 - document scanner - desktop - USB 2.0,Gigabit LAN,Wi-Fi(n),USB 3.2 Gen 1x1 Device Type Document scanner - desktop ...
515,56€ excl VAT
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